Judaism: What, Why and How – Primary

Year Levels 3 – 6 

Unpack what it is to be Jewish. Discover why certain practices and traditions are important to Jewish people and how these are expressed by the community and individuals. Explore Jewish ideas and beliefs with our education guides who share their knowledge and experience of Judaism and Jewish life in Australia.   

Includes: Museum tour, synagogue visit and a model Sabbath welcoming ceremony with food tasting.

Duration: 2 hours 

Cost: $12.50 

Learning Objectives  

  • Discuss and interpret how Jewish people express their religious and cultural identities. 
  • Identify and appreciate areas of commonality and difference between Jewish life and traditions and those of other backgrounds and traditions.  
  • Report on elements of the Jewish tradition and Jewish life in Melbourne. 
  • Investigate the elements and significance of Jewish festivals.  
  • Explore the role and importance of the Synagogue and the Sabbath.