At the Jewish Museum of Australia, we illuminate Jewish life. At the intersection of art and Jewish culture, our Museum is a place for all people to share in the Australian Jewish experience.

We are:

Authentic: Committed to excellence, heritage and quality;
Inclusive: Building a sense of belonging and trust with people of all backgrounds;
Innovative: A museum experience re-imagined beyond our community and country; and
Open: Sparking curiosity, conversation and social cohesion through connection and play.

We seek to infuse all we do with:

Chesed, or compassion and kindness; and
Tikkun olam, or the desire to improve our world.

The Jewish Museum of Australia acknowledges the crucial contribution that artists and the arts make to enriching and enlivening our community’s cultural landscape.

Opportunities exist for the Jewish Museum to support artists, makers, art enthusiasts, and community arts groups in their endeavours within the JMA community.

Creative Arts Opportunities Register

The JMA has a range of arts opportunities throughout 2024—25. We are calling for artists, creatives and makers to register their details and interest for potential projects in these key areas:

Writer in Residency Program: We invite writers to apply for our residency program which offers space to write and access to our extensive Collection;
Arts and Culture Programs Participation: Calling all artists, makers, musicians, writers, and creatives to participate in our diverse range of arts and culture programs;
JMA Shop Collaboration: Showcase your creative products in the Jewish Museum of Australia shop.

Complete the Register Form here to be added to our database of artists and creatives for the purpose of paid and in-kind arts opportunities.

All applicants will be reviewed on the quality of their work and uniqueness of work to the JMA.

Image: Dean Schmideg, opening of Where We Are, Jewish Museum of Australia, 2024.