CHAGALL: The Works
Image: Marie-Luise Skibbe, installation view of CHAGALL, Jewish Museum of Australia, 2023
1. Fête au village (Village celebration), 1969 Derrière le Miroir No 182, Maeght Editeur, gouache courtesy State Library of Victoria
2. Paysage bleu (Blue landscape), 1958 lithography courtesy Art Gallery of New South Wales
3. Le profil et l’enfant rouge (Profile and red child), 1960 Lithographies series, lithography
4. Des chemins (Jumpers), 1968 Poèmes, Cramer 74, xylography and collage
5. La ville (The town), 1968 Poèmes, Cramer 74, xylography
6. Dans ma mémoire (In my memory), 1968 Poèmes, Cramer 74, xylography and collage
7. En héritage (In inheritance), 1968 Poèmes, Cramer 74, xylography
8. Où est le jour (Where is the day), 1968 Poèmes, Cramer 74, xylography
9. L’atelier de Paris (Paris studio), 1969 Derrière le Miroir No 182, Maeght Editeur, gouache courtesy State Library of Victoria
10. Le village (The village), 1957 Lassaigne, lithography
11. David (David), 1968 Poèmes, Cramer 74, xylography
12. La maison de mon village (The house of my village), 1960 Lithographies series, lithography
13. Marc Chagall and Paul Éluard, Untitled, Le dur désir de Durer (dedication page), 1946 offset print courtesy State Library of Victoria
14. Marc Chagall and Paul Éluard, Par de baiser (With a kiss), Le dur désir de Durer, 1946 offset print courtesy State Library of Victoria
15. Marc Chagall and Paul Éluard, Même quand nous dormons (Even when we sleep), Le dur désir de Durer, 1946 offset print courtesy State Library of Victoria
16. Marc Chagall and Paul Éluard, De détail en détail à Elsa Triolet (From detail to detail for Elsa Triolet), Le dur désir de Durer, 1946, offset print courtesy State Library of Victoria
17. Marc Chagall and Paul Éluard Untitled, Le dur désir de Durer (epilogue), 1946 offset print courtesy State Library of Victoria
18a. L’Alouette et ses Petits (The lark and her little ones), 1927–1930, The Fables by Jean La Fontaine, 1952, etching, drypoint and aquatint touched with watercolour courtesy National Gallery of Victoria.
Due to conservation requirements, this artwork is on display until September 2023.
18b. Les deux coqs (The two cocks), 1927–1930, The Fables by Jean La Fontaine, 1952, etching, drypoint and aquatint touched with watercolour, courtesy National Gallery of Victoria.
Due to conservation requirements, this artwork is on display until December 2023.
19a. Le Heron (The heron), 1927–1930, The Fables by Jean La Fontaine, 1952, etching, drypoint and aquatint touched with watercolour, courtesy National Gallery of Victoria
Due to conservation requirements, this artwork is on display until September 2023.
20. Marc Chagall and Gaston Bachelard, Drawings from the Bible, 1960 vol. 10, no. 37/38, Verve courtesy State Library of Victoria
21. Marc Chagall and Claire Goll, Diary of a Horse, 1946, Édition Hemisphères, New York, ink on canson and montgolfier paper, cardboard, fabric JMA Collection
22. Marc Chagall and Paul Éluard, Je savais en écrivant ces poèmes (I knew while writing this poem), 1946, Le dur de désir de Durer, off-set
23. Affiche pour la ville de Venice (Poster for the city of Vence), 1960, Lithographies series, lithography
24. Le bouquet noir et bleu (The black and blue bouquet), 1957, Lassaigne, lithography
25a. Femme près de la fenêtre (Woman by the window), 1964, lithograph, courtesy National Gallery of Victoria. Due to conservation requirements, this artwork is on display until September 2023.
25b. Profil aux fleurs rouges (Portrait with red flowers), 1964, lithograph, courtesy National Gallery of Victoria
Due to conservation requirements, this artwork is on display until December 2023
26. Les fleurs à la main (Bouquet with hand), 1957, Lassaigne, lithography
27. L’échelle (The Ladder), 1957, Lassaigne, lithography
28. Pour ce Jour (For this day), 1968, Poèmes, Cramer 74, xylography
29. Le couple devant l’arbre (Couple by the tree), 1960, Lithographies series, lithography
30. Seul est mien (Loneliness is mine), 1968, Poèmes, Cramer 74, xylography
31. Notre-Dame en gris (Notre Dame in grey), 1960, Lithographies series, lithography
32. Si Mon Soleil (If my Sun), 1968, Poèmes, Cramer 74, xylography
33. Notre-Dame et la Tour Eiffel (Notre Dame and Eiffel Tower), 1960, Lithographies series, lithography
34. J’habite ma vie (I live my life), 1968, Poèmes, Cramer 74, xylography and collage
35. Le Coq Rouge (Red rooster), 1957, Lassaigne, lithography
36. Répit (Respite), 1968, Poémes, Cramer 74, xylography
37. Vision de Paris (View of Paris), 1960, Lithographies series, lithography
38. Dans notre rue (In our street), 1968, Poèmes, Cramer 74, xylography
39. Les Amoureux au soleil rouge (Lovers in the red sun), 1960, Lithographies series, lithography
40. Vers la rive (Towards the shore), 1968, Poèmes, Cramer 74, xylography
41. Les amoroux en gris (Lovers in grey), 1957, Lassaigne, lithography
42. La Tour Eiffel verte, Paris (The green Eiffel Tower, Paris), 1957, Lassaigne, lithography
43. La peintre à la palette (Painter and his palette), 1960, Lithographies series, lithography
44. Combien d’années (How many years), 1968, Poèmes, Cramer 74, xylography
45. Couple en ocre (Couple in ocre), 1960, Lithographies series, lithography
46. Le joueur de flûte (The flute player), 1957, Lassaigne, lithography
47. Elle vole (The rooster), 1968, Poèmes, Cramer 74, xylography
48. Avec du bleu, du rouge, du jaune (With blue, red and yellow), 1968, Poèmes, Cramer 74, xylography,
49. L’accordéoniste (The accordionist), 1957, Lassaigne, lithography
50. Femme oiseau (Bird woman), 1960, Lithographies series, lithography
51. Les musiciens (The musicians), 1960, Lithographies series, lithography
52. Le clown musicien (The clown musician), 1960, Lithographies series, lithography
53. Auto-portrait (Self-portrait), 1960, Lithographies series, lithography
54a. Le lion et le rat (The lion and the rat), 1926, gouache over traces of pencil, courtesy National Gallery of Victoria
Due to conservation requirements, this artwork is on display until September 2023.
54b. La procession (The procession), Plate 24, 1948, Tales from the Arabian Nights, Pantheon Books, New York lithograph courtesy National Gallery of Victoria
Due to conservation requirements, this artwork is on display until December 2023.
55. La Jongleuse (The juggler), 1960 Lithographies series, lithography
56. Carte d’invitation (Invitation Card), 1960, Lithographies series, lithography
57. Le cirque (The Circus), 1960, Lithographies series, lithography, 32.4 × 24.5 cm
59. Paris Opera House – Palais Garnier ceiling design, 1964, reproduction, projected on rotation, photo © Didier Baverel
60. Mère et enfant (Mother and child), 1948–1953, oil on canvas, courtesy Besen Foundation and National Gallery of Victoria
61. Chapel window (east wing), 1967, Capel United Church, All Saints Church, Tudeley, Kent UK. stained-glass window reproduction, photo © unknown
62. Saint-Etienne window (west wing detail), 1963, Metz Cathedral, Lorraine France, stained-glass window reproduction photo © Sérgio Nogueira
63. Peace window (east wing), 1978, Chichester Cathedral, West Sussex UK, stained-glass window reproduction, photo © Steve Vidler
64a. Moïse avec les Tables de la Loi (Moses with the tablets of the law), 1956, Verve, lithography courtesy National Gallery of Victoria
Due to conservation requirements, this artwork is on display until September 2023.
64b. Ange du Paradis (The angel with sword), 1956, Bible Verve, vol VIII, Cramer No 25, lithography
Due to conservation requirements, this artwork is on display until December 2023.
65. Untitled, 1950, Derriére le Miroir, No 27–28, Maeght gouache
66. L’ange (Angel), 1960, Lithographies series, lithography
67. L’ange (Angel), 1956, Lithographies series, lithography
68. La Victoire de Jérusalem sur Babylone, selon la prophétie d’Isiah, (Jerusalem’s Victory over Babylon, according to the prophecy of Isiah), XIV, 1–7, 1930–1955, hand coloured etching, 53.5 × 40 cm, courtesy Art Gallery of New South Wales
69. L’ange (Angel), 1960, Lithographies series, lithography
70. Ma mère (My mother), 1968, Poèmes, Cramer 74, xylography
71. Tu m’as rempli les mains de couleurs, de pinceaux (You filled my hands with colours, with brushes), 1968, Poèmes, Cramer 74, xylography
72. Sur le pays neuf (On new soil), 1968, Poèmes, Cramer 74, xylography
73. André Ostier, Marc Chagall dans l’île Saint Louis (Marc Chagall on Saint Louis Island), 1963 gelatin silver photograph, courtesy Art Gallery of New South Wales
74. Frontispice, 1968, Poèmes, Cramer 74, xylography
75. Marc Chagall works on a series of stained-glass windows, 1961, documentary about the making of the Hadassah stained-glass windows in Jerusalem, and the test install at Rheims Cathedral duration: 01:14, courtesy British Pathé Film Archive
76a. André Kertész, Marc Chagall, Paris, 1933 (printed 1967), gelatin silver photograph, courtesy National Gallery of Victoria
Due to conservation requirements, this artwork is on display until September 2023.
76b. André Kertész, Marc Chagall, Paris, 1933 (printed 1967) reproduction, courtesy National Gallery of Victoria.
Due to conservation requirements, this artwork is on display until December 2023.
77. Chagall’s new ceiling for Paris Opera House, 1964, news reel footage from the launch of the ceiling, length: 01:00, courtesy British Pathé Film Archive
78. Isaïe (Isaiah), 1956, Bible Verve vol VIII, Cramer 25, Mourlot 141, lithography
79. David à la harpe II (David at the harp II), 1956, Bible Verve vol VIII, Cramer 25, Mourlot 134, lithography
80. Untitled (cover), 1956, Bible Verve vol VIII, Cramer 25, Mourlot 118, lithography
81. Le Prophète Daniel avec les lions (The Prophet Daniel with the lions), 1956, Bible Verve vol VIII, Cramer 25, Mourlot 142, lithography
82. David et Absalon (David and Assalone), 1956, Bible Verve vol VIII, Cramer 25, Mourlot 133, lithography
83. David et Absalon (David and Bathsheba), 1956, Bible Verve vol VIII, Cramer 25, Mourlot 132, lithography
84. Caïn et Abel (Cain and Abel), 1960, Bible Verve vol X, No 28 and 37, Cramer 42, Mourlot 238, lithography
85. Tamar, la belle-fille de Juda (Tamar the daughter-in-law of Judah), 1960, Bible Verve vol X, Cramer 42, Mourlot 243, lithography
86. Abraham et Sarah (Abraham and Sarah), 1956, Bible Verve vol VIII, Cramer 25, Mourlot 122, lithography
87. Moïse (Moses), 1956, Bible Verve vol VIII, Cramer 25, Mourlot 124, lithography
88. Salomon (Kind Solomon), 1956 Bible Verve col VIII, Cramer 25, Mourlot 131, lithography
89. La création (The creation), 1960, Bible Verve vol X, Cramer 42, Mourlot 234, lithography
90. Moïse reçoit les tables de la loi (Moses recites the law), 1956, Bible Verve vol VIII, Cramer 25, Mourlot 123, lithography
91. Ange du Paradis (The angel of heaven), 1956, Bible Verve vol VIII, Cramer 25, Mourlot 121, lithography
92. Judah (Yehudah–Hebrew), 1960, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, courtesy Hadassah the Women’s Zionist Organization of America, photo © Yuval Yairi
‘Judah, your brothers will praise you; your hand will be on the neck of your enemies; your father’s sons will bow down to you. You are a lion’s
cub.’– Genesis 49
On permanent display since 1962 at the Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical Centre, Abbell Synagogue in Jerusalem Israel.
93.Benjamin (Binyamin–Hebrew), 1960 Hebrew University, Jerusalem courtesy Haddasah the Women’s Zionist Organization of America, photo © Yuval Yairi
‘Benjamin is a ravenous wolf; in the morning he devours the prey, in the evening he divides the plunder.’ – Genesis 49
On permanent display since 1962 at the Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical Centre, Abbell Synagogue in Jerusalem Israel. This artwork is part of the CHAGALL exhibition, on view until 10 December 2023
94. Issachar (Yisachar–Hebrew), 1960, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, courtesy Hadassah the Women’s Zionist Organization of America, photo © Yuval Yairi
‘Issachar is a rawboned donkey living down among the sheep pens. When
he sees how good is his resting place and how pleasant is his land, he will
bend his shoulder to the burden and submit to forced labor.’ – Genesis 49
On permanent display since 1962 at the Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical Centre, Abbell Synagogue in Jerusalem Israel
95. Naphtali (Naphtali–Hebrew), 1960, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, courtesy Hadassah the Women’s Zionist Organization of America, photo © Yuval Yairi
‘Naphtali is doe set free that bears beautiful fawns.’ – Genesis 49
‘Naphtali is abound with the favor of the Lord and is full of his blessing.’ – Deuteronomy 33
On permanent display since 1962 at the Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical Centre, Abbell Synagogue in Jerusalem Israel.
96. Asher (Asher–Hebrew), 1960, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, courtesy Hadassah the Women’s Zionist Organization of America, photo © Yuval Yairi
‘Asher’s food will be rich; he will provide delicacies fit for a king.’ –
Genesis 49
‘Most blessed of sons is Asher; Let him be favored by his brothers, and let
him bathe his feet in oil.’ – Deuteronomy 33
On permanent display since 1962 at the Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical Centre, Abbell Synagogue in Jerusalem Israel.
97. Dan (Dan–Hebrew), 1960, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, courtesy Hadassah the Women’s Zionist Organization of America, photo © Yuval Yairi
‘Dan will provide justice for his people as one of the tribes of Israel. Dan
will be a snake by the roadside, a viper along the path that bites the
horse’s heels so that its rider tumbles backward.’ – Genesis 49
On permanent display since 1962 at the Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical Centre, Abbell Synagogue in Jerusalem Israel.
98. Gad (Gad–Hebrew), 1960, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, courtesy Hadassah the Women’s Zionist Organization of America, photo © Yuval Yairi
‘Gad will be attacked by a band of raiders, but he will attack them at their
heels.’ – Genesis 49
On permanent display since 1962 at the Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical Centre, Abbell Synagogue in Jerusalem Israel.
99. Zebulon (Zevulun–Hebrew), 1960, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, courtesy Hadassah the Women’s Zionist Organization of America, photo © Yuval Yairi
‘Zebulon will live by the seashore and become a haven for ships.’ – Genesis 49
On permanent display since 1962 at the Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical Centre, Abbell Synagogue in Jerusalem Israel.
100. Levi (Levi–Hebrew), 1960, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, courtesy Hadassah the Women’s Zionist Organization of America, photo © Yuval Yairi
‘Levi, watched over you and your word and guarded your covenant. He
teaches your percepts to Jacob and your law to Israel.’ – Deuteronomy 33
On permanent display since 1962 at the Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical Centre, Abbell Synagogue in Jerusalem Israel.
101. Simeon (Shimon–Hebrew), 1960, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, courtesy Hadassah the Women’s Zionist Organization of America, photo © Yuval Yairi
‘Simeon, and Levi are brothers—their swords are weapons of violence.
Cursed be their anger, so fierce, and their wrath so relentless.’ – Genesis 49
On permanent display since 1962 at the Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical Centre, Abbell Synagogue in Jerusalem Israel.
102. Joseph (Yosef–Hebrew), 1960, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, courtesy Hadassah the Women’s Zionist Organization of America, photo © Yuval Yairi
‘Joseph is a fruitful vine near a spring, whose branches climb over a wall.
(…) because of the Almighty, who blesses you with blessings of the skies
above, blessings of the deep springs below.’ – Genesis 49
On permanent display since 1962 at the Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical Centre, Abbell Synagogue in Jerusalem Israel.
103. Reuben (Reuven–Hebrew), 1960, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, courtesy Hadassah the Women’s Zionist Organization of America, photo © Yuval Yairi
‘Reuben, you are my firstborn, my light, the first sign of my strength,
excelling in honor, excelling in power. Turbulent as the waters, you will
no longer excel.’ – Genesis 49
Marc Chagall with Brigitte and Charles Marq
On permanent display since 1962 at the Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical Centre, Abbell Synagogue in Jerusalem Israel
104. Jérémie (Jeremiah), 1956, Bible Verve vol VIII, Cramer 25, Mourlot 139, lithography
105. Pleurs de Jérémie (Jeremiah’s lamentations), 1956, Bible Verve vol VIII, Cramer 25, Mourlot 140, lithography
106. Esther (Esther), 1956, Bible Verve vol X, Cramer 25, Mourlot 126, lithography
107. Noémi et ses filles (Naomi and her daughters), 1956, Bible Verve vol X, Cramer 25, Mourlot 125, lithography
Downstairs in the Design Store you will see:
La Bible Couverture (Bible Verve Cover), 1956 Bible Verve vol VIII, Cramer Les Livres Illustrés No 25 / M 117, lithography, 55 × 74 cm
La baie des anges (The bay of angels), 1960 ithographies series, lithography
Maternité au centaure (Centaur’s maternal instinct), 1957 Lassaigne, lithography